Demo Application Changelog

Back to Downloads (2024.06.12)

  • Fixed glow in long exposures on IMX533 based cameras
  • Fixed cancel exposure issue in IMX571/455 cameras
  • TE series updated with ‘Readout Mode’ setting to avoid confusion with the CMOS sensor’s ‘Exposure Speed’ (2024.04.08)

  • Added the ability to rotate images (2024.03.06)

  • Tuned ChemiMOS FW acceleration
  • Improved USB3 camera reliability (2024.02.27)

  • Added ChemiMOS FW

  • Fixed sub-framing issue on ChemiMOS

  • Added new cameras (2023.11.08)

  • Added inverse image to image processing

  • Fixed processed image always saving the raw image.

  • Total number of images taken per camera now visible in the UI.

  • Number of dropped frames whilst in fast mode added to the UI.

  • 16 bit mode re-enabled for long exposure mode

  • Updated AtikCameras from 2023.07.12.1450 to 2023.07.14.1456
    -> Fixed issue with gain not being set correctly on the Apx26/60 introduced in release.

  • Updated AtikCameras from 2023.04.19.1352 to 2023.07.12.1450
    -> Added new cameras
    -> ChemiMOS 16 bit mode now saved between power cycles

  • Updated AtikCameras from 2023.03.31.1341 to 2023.04.19.1352
    -> Fixed issue with setting gain/offset on older cameras.

  • Updated AtikCameras from 2023.03.28.1337 to 2023.03.31.1341
    -> Reverted FastMode imaging bug introduced in previous update.

  • Updated AtikCameras from 2023.03.03.1283 to 2023.03.28.1337
    -> Fixed Auto ExposureSpeed’s interaction with the 16 bit modes.
    -> Fixed issue with Apx60 sometimes returning blank images in Fast Mode at 1ms exposure length.

  • Updated AtikCameras from 2023.03.03.1262 to 2023.03.03.1283
    • Enabled the gain and exposure 16 Bit modes whilst in Long Exposure mode. (Longer image output time expected vs Short Exposure Mode)
  • Default save type is now TIFF rather than FITS

  • Changed HDR naming to 16 bit mode to avoid confusion.
  • Updated AtikCameras from 2023.02.21.1238 to 2023.03.03.1262
    • Updated the way the offset is applied whilst in 16 Bit stretch mode
      and whilst binning. The offset shown in the UI will be the total offset applied.
  • Gain and offset now available in the UI for the VS series of cameras.

  • Updated AtikCameras from 2023.02.09.1217 to 2023.02.21.1242
    • Fixed blank image return after undetermined amount of time across Apx range.
    • Added Auto exposure mode
    • Gain & Offset Preset and exposure modes renamed to better describe their function
    • Added ChemiMOS HDR modes
        • Stretch: Shifts the 14bit data from the camera into the top 14bits of a ushort
          the bottom two bits are then filled in uniformly
        • Exposure: Two exposures are taken, one four times the length of the other,
          the longer exposure image is then shifted into the top 14bits of a ushort
          and a blend point is chosen to overlap the two image ranges.
        • Gain: Two exposures are taken at the same length with different gains
          the second image having 4 times the intensity of the first. The higher intensity
          image is then shifted into the top 14bits of a ushort and a blend point is chosen
          to overlap the two image ranges.
  • Added tooltips

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